Antiques -
Reference: ZE087

Virgin with Child. Carved and polychrome wood. Spanish school, 13th century. It has faults. Polychrome wood carving that shows the Virgin sitting on a throne, with her right hand raised holding a spherical object, dressed in a long tunic and mantle and wearing a veil and crown, also holding the Child on one knee, who is presented seated. on his mother's knee, dressed in a red and gold robe and also a crown on his head Iconographically, this type of works were common during the Romanesque period in Europe, a time when Christian theology saw the Virgin as a vehicle of Salvation, thanks to the figure of her son Jesus. With the passage of time (and the theological work of highlighting Mary's role as Mother of God), the initially hieratic pose of this group varied, an example of which is the present sculpture. Compare with Nuestra Señora La Virgen de las Nieves de Villaumbroso in Palencia (14th century), or the Virgen del Mirón in Soria (14th century carving), or the repainted Virgen de la Cerca de Andosilla in Navarra (13th-14th centuries), or that of the church of San Pedro Apóstol de Arbués in Huesca that has been dated to the 14th century (similar to the one present in the throne, the crowns, the posture of Jesus, etc.), or that of the last third of the 13th century which belongs to the collections of the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Rosario de Villálvaro in Soria (14th century), etc.

· Size: 28x20x90 cms

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